Mushroom Will
Saving the World One Mushroom at a Time
Who We Are:
I’m a farmers kid still farming.
Our tagline is a pretty big statement. What does that even mean?
For us, that means saving animals and biodiversity. It is not sustainable for nearly 8 billion humans to continue to eat any creature that moves on this planet 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
The beauty of living in majestic places like British Columbia is that you appreciate the nature and landscape that surrounds us. If we want to conserve and let more generations enjoy the same joy we feel when basking in it, then it's taking this goal seriously. If we continue to consume every living creature, the planet's ability to rebound and regenerate will not be the same.
We want to show how you can make tasty dishes with mushrooms.
We want to teach you how you can enforce your own food security,
We want to share the benefits and knowledge of medicinal mushrooms,
Lastly, we want to make you feel excited that you're supporting our business and confident when using our products.
What We Do:
Fresh, dehydrated, powdered, pickled, tinctures, and capsules.
My small mushroom farm operates 12 months of the year, with daily harvests and of course daily maintenance required. ​I use no chemicals in my farm and cleaning is done with hydrogen peroxide, soap, isopropyl alcohol or vinegar.
I started growing mushrooms about 15 years ago but moved to growing them full time as a commercial venture in late 2019. The pandemic was not kind to us farmers, but it gave me time to develop and learn the best ways to grow mushrooms.
Why We Do This:
Because local food matters and food security is important!
Once I started researching mushrooms, I soon found that mushrooms have a similar protein value to meat. And as a bonus, almost all mushrooms have medicinal benefits! The mushrooms commonly sold in grocery stores unfortunately don’t have much for medicinal benefits but everything I grow has medicinal benefits and tastes out of this world! We grow so we can help our community breath, feel better, and be nourished.
If you live in the Golden area and are experiencing food insecurity you can find our gourmet mushrooms at the
Our Team
We're small but mighty! Want to help?
Interested in mushroom farming in your future?
Reach out!

Will Cunningham
Farmer, Grower, Seed Saver, Puppeteer.
I’ve spent the last 32 years in Golden BC.

Marketing Maven
Here to help spread the word about the wonderful world of mushrooms!
Welcome to Wonderland.
Friends of Mushroom Will
Supporting Local, Supporting Artists, Supporting Friends
Joel and Daphne
Owners of Ethos Cafe, Daphnee and Joel are working hard to support the local farmers and growers in our region. Dedicated to a closed loop food system, these two are the best at supporting local! Food content, reviews, and the tenacity to play with food, we're happy to call these two our friends.
Nichole "Betty" and Team
Eat Pure Mountain Market
Goldens hub for fresh, local and BC products! They strive for quality and sustainabliity. If it is in the store, you can be certain it belongs in your body! They offer a selection of our medicial mushroom products as well as fresh king oysters.
Matt and Kirstin
Clare & Dave
Rocky Mountain Honey Farm
Friends and market mates, Clare and Dave run Rocky Mountain Honey Farm. We're currently working together to fend off a mite that attacks the Queen Bee using a certain strain of mushroom!
Amy Chamber&
Will Remple
Our t-shirt graphic and LOGO wouldn't have been possible without Amy and Will! Thank you for your dedication and creative prowess. Check out Amy's studio Tee's & Tats and Wills silkscreen.
Hopkins Harvest focuses on developing relationships with the producers and offering grower direct products helps secure that quality. As Hopkins Harvest continuously expands and grows, our relationships grow as well! We are proud to offer a variety of products at their market in Windemere!
Ben Taft
Thanks for all the help with images on our new website. It was a pleasure to work with him and capture our farm, products and our team in the most bright and natural way. Check out his portfolio at 360 degree Immersion.